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A Functional Perspective

August 25-27, Jerusalem, Israel
The Jerusalem Conference on Conscious and Unconscious Processes. 
25-27 August 2015

Israel Institute for Advanced Studies

Edmond J. Safra campus

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Feldman Building, Givat Ram


In the last three decades, the study of consciousness has moved from the realm of philosophy into the spotlight of interdisciplinary scientific research. Cognitive and brain sciences have come together in an attempt to meet the challenges posed by the scientific study of consciousness and unconscious processes. This modern endeavor has yielded important insights about neural mechanisms and their relation to human cognition and behavior, findings that give rise to new answers to age-old questions. 

This conference will bring together some of the most notable researchers from various schools of thought, and enable them to share their findings, theories and ideas regarding the nature of consciousness and unconscious processes and their functions.

Call for Poster Abstracts 

Submission Deadline: June 15th



Henk Aarts

Henk Aarts

Utrecht University, Psychology

Moshe Bar

Moshe Bar

Bar-Ilan University, Gonda Multidisciplinary Brain Research Center

Axel Cleermans

Axel Cleermans

Université Libre de Bruxelles, Consciousness, Cognition & Computation

Ruud Custers

Ruud Custers

University College London, Psychology

Leon Deouell

Leon Deouell

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Psychology

Baruch Eitam

Baruch Eitam

Haifa University, Psychology

Ran Hassin

Ran Hassin

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Psychology

Sid Kouider

Sid Kouider

Ecole Normale Supèrieure - Paris, Cognitive Science

Dominique Lamy

Dominique Lamy

Tel-Aviv University, Psychology

Rafi Malach

Rafi Malach

Weizmann Institute, Neurobiology

Liad Mudrik

Liad Mudrik

Tel-Aviv University, Psychology

Josef Parvizi

Josef Parvizi

Stanford University, Medicine

Keith Payne

Keith Payne

University of North Carolina, Psychology

Anil Seth

Anil Seth

University of Sussex, Sackler Centre for Consciousness

David Soto

David Soto

Imperial College London, Medicine

Tim Wilson

Tim Wilson

University of Virginia, Psychology

Organizing committee

Ariel Goldstein

Ariel Goldstein

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem PhD Candidate, Cognitive Science Department

Rasha Kardosh

Rasha Kardosh

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem PhD Candidate, Psychology Department

Asael Sklar

Asael Sklar

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem PhD Candidate, Psychology Department

Organizing Committee Advisor- Ran Hassin

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